"Mysterious events, unexpected twists, and a chilling atmosphere keep the audience engaged as they unravel a web of secrets, deception, and violence. The story explores complex character relationships, culminating in a deadly confrontation that leaves an indelible mark, ending with an unsettling question about the cult's influence.”
- ScriptMatix, September 2023
by the Jersey City Horror Film Festival, August 2023
"BEWARE! THE DEVIL'S WRATH delivers an exhilarating script that plunges the audience into a chilling and pulse-pounding horror narrative.”
- The Black List, August 2023
Written & Directed By
Craig Meinhart
When a beautiful woman (Samantha) and her mysterious husband with a shadowy past (Richard) move into the tight-knit community of Blackwood Falls, a terrible sex crime unleashes a wave of occult-themed murders that overwhelms the town.